Waterproofing K9 ULT+ Dog tracker


Although GPS products are sometimes advertised as waterproof, they’re not! Most products are well protected against rain and water splashes however once submerged in water the possibility of water damage is 90% of the time inevitable to happen.

Our AlleyCat EXTREME and COMPACT devices are well protected against rain and minor water splashes. Fortunately, cats don’t swim and we haven’t experienced many losses due to water damage. We therefore don’t and can not waterproof these two products.

Dogs are the main culprits who at times enjoy a swim, our K9 ULT + device meant for medium to bigger dogs are also well protected against water damage HOWEVER they’re not 100% waterproof.

We can waterproof the device in-house by applying a special waterproofing sealant onto the PC Board and afterwards further seal all possible places where water may penitrate with an Aqua Marine Silicone sealant. If your dog swims, this is a must be add to your order as we can not guarantee a product against water damage.


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